Local man Patrick Collins is a member of Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir. photo: odhran ducie

Deaf choir film in Nenagh

Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir presents a special film screening at the Scouts Hall, Ashe Road, Nenagh this Saturday, January 25, from 6-8pm.

Hands in Harmony is a choir that was established 10 years ago with a mixture of deaf and hearing members.

They perform to songs that have been translated into Irish Sign Language and practised by the choir.

Among their members is Patrick Collins from Capparoe, who works at Mr Price in Nenagh. Patrick joined Hands in Harmony six years ago. He features briefly in this Saturday's film, which aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the deaf community and how they deal with them.

Come along to watch Hands in Harmony in action and the eye-opening film about deaf people’s experiences.

This is a free event with no need to book tickets.

These films are creative productions made by members of Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir through Living and Learning Communities, which is engagement, facilitation, training and capacity-building in digital audio and film to communicate community activity. Living and Learning Communities is an initiative of Ballyhoura Development CLG in partnership with Clare Local Development Company.

It is facilitated by Grey Herron Media.