Darren Quinn, Chief Executive of Siga Hydro, with the then Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly at the site in the Silvermines back in 2015.

Milestone for ’Mines project

Priority status nationally and in EU

The decision of An Bord Pleanála confirming that the Silvermines Hydroelectric Energy Storage Project has been deemed mature enough to enter the permit granting process for Projects of Common Interest is a huge milestone for the project, according to TD, Alan Kelly.

The Labour TD added: “It shows that the project is becoming a reality for our local community.

“Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are essential infrastructure projects that aim to embellish the European energy market and help the EU with energy and climate goals.

“An Bord Pleanála will now evaluate the project under an EU procedure which aims to streamline the consenting process for trans-European energy projects which are contained in a list of projects adopted by the European Commission.”

The Silvermines Project will be able to store 296 Megawatts (MW), with a daily storage capacity up to 2,175MWh of electricity.

This will be sufficient to power approximately 185,000 households.

The Chief Executive of Siga Hydro, Darren Quinn, first came to Deputy Kelly about the project over a decade ago when he was Minister for the Environment and he has supported it every step of the way since. Deputy Kelly added: “It now has priority status both nationally and in the European Union. It’s a project which I’ve always known was going to happen because it is absolutely needed in our country and in Darren has the vision to execute it.

“It is estimated that the project will create 400 jobs during construction alone with there being many jobs created directly and indirectly once the plant is up and running.

“From an inward investment perspective, this really strengthens our hand as a county. Companies want to be located in areas with strong sustainability credentials and this will be game-changing for Tipperary in that regard. We already have one of the highest numbers of wind installations of any inland county in the country so to have this other renewable source on top of it gives us a compelling story.”

Siga Hydro will now work towards its planning application which will be submitted to An Bord Pleanála. They have already had a number of information evenings about the project and called to houses across the local area with information and to answer any questions.

Deputy Kelly concluded: “This is a critical milestone for this project. I look forward to the planning application going in and the project going on to the construction phase. I’ve been speaking to so many local people about it and they know this project is happening and they are very excited about it.”